Child custody and paternity disputes often lead to intense legal battles, especially when parents were never married. When a father acknowledges paternity of a child, they should have equal parental rights as the child’s mother, as explained in a recent Florida case that demonstrates the evolving landscape of parental rights and the importance of understanding Florida’s family law statutes. If you are navigating a custody dispute or seeking to establish paternity, it is crucial to consult with an experienced Florida family law attorney to protect your rights.
Case Setting
It is reported that the mother sought review of a trial court’s order, finding that the father had established paternity and denying the mother’s Emergency Verified Motion for Child Pick-Up Order. The mother argued that the trial court erred in determining that the father’s paternity had been established, as neither party had formally petitioned for a paternity ruling. The mother further asserted that the trial court should have granted the child a pick-up order because the father had no legal custodial rights over the child.