Many men and women from Broward that are enlisted in the military may find themselves in need of a Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer. According to an article published in the USA Today and Sun Sentinel, divorce rates for soldiers enlisted in the Army increased for the seventh year. 10,000.00 married G.I.’s divorced during the fiscal 2009. It is also being reported that 4% of marriages among soldiers failed.
The Army has found that an increasing number of U.S troops in Iraq complain about troubled marriages as a result of long and multiple deployments to Iraq. While the pressures of being away from family is more prevalent for young soldiers, there has been recent affect on senior enlisted soldiers as well.
The Air Force is also reporting a 4.3% divorce rate this years. However, the Army has 100,000 more married troops than the Air Force. The Marines is reporting a 4% divorce rate that has remained steady from 2008 to 2009. While the civilian divorce rate in the USA was recently 3.4%, the total divorce rate for the U.S. military has increase from 3.4% to 3.6% in 2009.