
Hire A Coach To Help You With Your Fort Lauderdale Divorce

In the Broward County divorce court, parties continuously attempt to litigate their divorce “pro se” meaning without an attorney. Obtaining a Fort Lauderdale divorce is expensive and quite often a party does not have the funds to hire an attorney to fight the litigious battle. Despite the rise in “do it yourself divorces” Fort Lauderdale attorney’s are still in high demand. This is because navigating the Fort Lauderdale Family Court is a challenge for pro se parties. A new trend is on the rise: Fort Lauderdale marital and family law coaches.

A divorce coach is a family law attorney that a pro se litigant can consult on a need basis. In a typical divorce, a party will hire an attorney to litigate the case from the petition of dissolution to the final judgment dissolving the marriage. On the other hand, a pro se litigant hires a divorce coach to teach him how to take legal action on his own, and to assist him his legal questions and concerns.

A do it yourself divorce is not for everyone. Where there are complex legal issues involved and the parties are extremely contentious, it is probably best to stick with the traditional route and hire an attorney. But on the other hand, where the divorce is a straight forward financial transaction then this process might work.

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