
Divorce Attorneys In Miami Discuss Possibility of Tiger Woods Divorce

The Miami Herald is reporting that Tiger Woods and his wife have many different options if they decide to file for divorce in Florida. Their personal financial information may be kept away from the public eye if agreed to by both parties. In order to pay the least amount of taxes, Mrs. Woods would likely file for divorce in Florida rather than where the parties own additional homes in Sweden and California. In light of the fact that Florida is a no fault divorce state, they would only need to inform the Florida marital and family judge that the marriage is irretrievably broken.

In order to keep their divorce confidential, they could file for their divorce in any county in Florida. It is most likely in the best interest of the children if the court balances the public right to know and the privacy of the Woods family in disclosing details of the case. However, divorce lawyers in Miami believe that it would be difficult to conceal the location of the divorce filing in Florida since a clerk of court could easily divulge this information.

While Tiger Woods and his wife would be required to file a child support guidelines worksheet and financial affidavits listing their income, assets and liabilities, a judge may seal financial aspect of the case to keep it away from the public eye. However, this will really depend upon the judge who is assigned to the case.

If the parties have not signed a prenuptial agreement, the wife would be entitled to one-half of Tiger Wood’s assets. While Elin Wood’s divorce lawyer would try to get her as much cash as possible, Tiger Wood’s lawyer would try to broker a deal quickly and quietly. Nonetheless, divorce attorney’s in Miami-Dade believe that the parties most likely executed a prenuptial agreement prior to the marriage and, with any divorce settlement, would execute a confidentiality agreement which would prevent the wife from disclosing any details of the divorce.

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