Articles Posted in Supportive Relationship


What Is (Or Is Not) a Supportive Relationship When it Comes to Calculating Alimony in Florida

The issue of alimony can be a difficult and contentious one in some divorces. That can be especially true if the former spouse who is now seeking an alimony award is already living with someone new. In spite of all the emotional difficulty that such issues and relationships can create,…


Unmarried Same-Sex Partners and Oral Cohabitation Agreements: What Florida Law Allows

Marriage equality for same-sex couples has existed in Florida for two years, ever since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Obergefell v. Hodges decision. The first state to recognize same-sex marriage was Massachusetts, and it did so just over a decade ago. Same-sex couples in committed relationships have existed for much longer…


Your Ex-Spouse’s New Partner and Your Florida Alimony Obligation

One of the more frustrating turns of events for individuals ordered to pay alimony is the discovery that the ex-spouse to whom they are making support payments has moved in with a boyfriend or girlfriend. In some situations, your ex-spouse’s decision to cohabitate with another person may be valid grounds…


Ex-Wife’s Cohabitation Arrangement Warrants Reduction in Alimony

A Third District Court of Appeal case from earlier this month marked a reversal of course for that court with regard to the rules regarding cohabitating couples and alimony modification. In the court’s latest ruling, it decided that, even though an ex-wife received virtually no financial support from her cohabitating…


Florida Legislature Seeks To Repeal Obsolete Cohabitation Statute

A legislator in Florida, Representative Ritch Workman, is attempting to repeal a state law which makes it illegal to cohabit with a party who is not a spouse. Specifically, “if any man or woman, not being married to each other, lewdly and lasciviously associate and cohabit together..they shall be guilty…


The Effect Of A Supportive Relationship On Permanent Alimony After A Ft. Lauderdale Divorce

During a Broward divorce, your Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer may request that you be awarded alimony. A Florida marital and family court can award you bridge-the-gap, temporary, lump sum, rehabilitative or permanent periodic alimony. However, after the conclusion of your Broward divorce case, one spouse may have their Broward child…


Broward County Divorce Judge Orders Palm Beach Circuit Court Judge’s Ex-Wife to Repay $151,000.00 In Alimony

Fort Lauderdale, Florida divorce Judge Arthur Birken ruled that Palm Beach Circuit Judge David French should not have to pay his former wife $3,400.00 a month in permanent alimony because she has been living with another man for nearly 20 years. Judge Birken also ordered the former wife to repay…

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