
Baby-Boom Generation Increasingly Choosing Late Life Divorce

Members of the baby-boom generation are increasingly choosing to divorce as they near retirement age. Although the overall U.S. divorce rate declined in recent years, divorce rates among adults aged 50 to 64 steadily increased. According to Susan L. Brown, co-director of the National Center for Family and Marriage Research at Bowling Green University, one in four divorces in this nation currently involve someone over the age of 50. In 1990, less than ten percent of divorces involved a spouse over age 50. That’s a dramatic increase from only twenty years ago.

As the boomer generation ages and reaches retirement, the related life transitions can be tough. Some couples who spent decades together find they must reconnect with one another on a new level. Retiring spouses often have a difficult time adjusting to life without a daily work routine. Spouses who previously stayed at home alone may also have a tough time as their routine is suddenly interrupted by the presence of another person in the home all day. Many marriages will survive the transition, but researchers say weak unions may shatter under the stress.

Research has shown the baby-boom generation has frequently engaged in a pattern of marriage at a young age, divorce, and subsequent remarriage. According to Brown, marriages in which at least one spouse has been married before are twice as likely to result in divorce later in life than those in which both spouses are in their first marriage. A divorce near retirement age can cause a huge financial strain on both parties as retirement accounts and other assets are split. Additional questions arise as many late life divorcees have no plans to remarry. According to Brown, this can result in societal challenges if baby boomers become ill or can no longer care for themselves because no spouse is present to provide care as with past generations. Choosing to remarry can also pose added legal obstacles if estate planning and inheritance matters are not planned well in advance.

Choosing to divorce is always a difficult decision, but ending your marriage as you near retirement can raise a variety of issues you may not have previously considered. If you are faced with divorce later in life, you need a skilled lawyer who concentrates on family law matters to help you protect your rights. Attorney Sandy T. Fox, a Miami divorce lawyer, can assist you in navigating the divorce process. He understands the difficult issues which must be addressed during a late life divorce. If you have divorce or other family law questions, do not hesitate to call Sandy T. Fox, a Broward County divorce attorney, at (800) 596-0579 to schedule a confidential consultation. You may also contact him through his website.

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Additional Resources:

Aging baby boomers boost divorce rate among older adults, by Jeff Kunerth, Orlando Sentinel

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